Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big goal: 28 Weeks today =)

I've made another goal today. I have hit the 28 week mark! Up to this point, things haven't been too bad. I had an appointment yesterday to see how the babies were doing. The boy is approx 2 lb 10oz, Baby C is 2lb 9oz and Baby B is 2lb 7oz. They are definitely putting on the weight. Everything seems to be going very well with them. My cervical length is also still greater than 5cm, which is awesome. The only bad thing is that they found some protein in my 24 hour urine sample. They want me to redo the test and we will go from there. My blood pressure hasn't been too bad at all. But protein in the urine could be the first signs of pre-eclampsia. So I am hoping that the 2nd test comes back with better results. Pre-eclampsia would definitely land me on bed rest. And if the blood pressure also went up with it, then I could end up in the hospital. That would not be a good thing. So we're praying that the test next week comes back better than the first.
I had to also go to the ER last night. It wasn't for anything to do with the pregnancy. I have been sick since Monday and it has been getting worse. I have had a runny nose, sore throat, and last night developed an ear ache. I started puking up mucous and my throat was unbearable. I had went to Med Express on Tuesday and they ruled out strep throat, but they thought it was a virus. And with a virus, there is nothing that you can really do. When I went in last night, they diagnosed me with a sinus infection. Mike is going to F'muth to get my prescription filled this morning. The dose they gave me in the ER has worked wonders. I am still stuffed up, but at least my throat has no pain at all. FINALLY some relief. Hopefully I am on the road to recovery. Being sick and pregnant is no fun =(
I have an appointment on Tuesday, so I should have the results of the 24 urine sample then and we will know more.


Dawn said...

WTG Jill!!! 28 weeks is so awesome! I am in amazement at well you've done with this. I hope the Pre-E doesn't rear it's ugly head but overall it's sounding like things are going so well with the babies. They are a nice size. Sorry you've been so sick too. That is too bad. I've really lucked out in that regard...knock on wood.

sherri and Adam said...

Will be saying extra prayers that your 2nd test comes back ok, and you don't end up on bed rest or worse, in the hospital this early! The babies sound like they are growing really well! I hope the new meds your taking help with the cold....i think Bryce just came down with it today (the sore throat and runny nose! UGH)