Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another bullet dodged

I went to the Dr's this morning to get the results of my protein level test. I am still spilling protein, but the levels appear to be stable. They actually went down a bit. With everything else going well, no specific bed rest for me at this point. They are just going to keep an eye on the levels and repeat the test next month. I wasn't too worried about being on bed rest. I just don't want to have to be on bed rest in the hospital. I don't know if I could stand to be away from my family. I could talk to Mike on the phone, but Lindsay can't talk yet. She would have no clue about why mom wasn't around. I will keep self limiting my activities and get as much rest as I can. Thanks for all the prayers through all of this. We can definitely use every single one of them. My next appt is 2/9/09. Hopefully there will be no big new until then.


sherri and Adam said...

Congrats Jill! So glad your levels have come down a bit and no bed rest! Still sending prayers your way! : )

Dawn said...

Hooray for good news! And yes, bedrest at home will definitely be better than bedrest in the hospital!

Did you hear about that lady having 8 babies? Now that would be insane.