Saturday, January 17, 2009

27 Weeks!!!!

I am 27 weeks today. One more week until I hit another goal! I have to admit, things are getting a bit tougher. My carpal tunnel is coming back now. It is hard to even pick up a gallon of milk with my right hand. And I can forget getting comfortable to sleep because that is nearly impossible. But the big goal is only 7 weeks away. I just have to keep reminding myself that I can do this. I think next week will be my last week actually going to week. Getting around is starting to become difficult. I still want to work from home, but just not go into the office. I will have to see what the doctor says at my appt this week.

And poor Lindsay, she has pink eye =( Every illness under the sun has been going around day care the past 2 weeks. She had a bit of a cold, but that was no big deal. Yesterday, they called and said that we needed to come pick Lindsay up as she had pink eye. We took her to the doctor and got her some eye drops. Hopefully she will get better quickly. I hate seeing my little girl hurting and there is nothing I can do about it.

Well, I better get back out to the living room to play with Lindsay and Mike.


* ~ *Jessica* ~ * said...


Dawn said...

Jill - Sorry that things are starting to get harder and more uncomfortable. You have done so awesome though and 27 weeks is phenomenal!!! It's definitely a good thing to be taking off work now though. You need to rest while you can! I loved the news article and your picture, you all look so great.

sherri and Adam said...

Congrats on reaching 27 weeks! What a big event! I'm amazed your still working, but I agree, it's time you take off and relax at home! I'm sorry things are getting harder, but 7 can make it! Time will fly and you'll have your darling 3 babies in your arms! I'm gonna buy a newspaper tonight when I take Drew to basketball practice! I'm excited to see the article! Take care hun and let me know if you need anything! Good luck with the eye drops and I hope the pink eye goes away soon! : )

Jill said...

Thank you guys for the encouragement! It is getting tougher. Lindsay has passed on another cold to me. At least she knows how to share =) Her pink eye is getting better. I have another appt on Friday. I will put an update after that.