Friday, December 12, 2008

Prego update

I know, I know, I have been horrible at updating the blog. By the time I get Lindsay to bed and have dinner myself, it is about time for me to go to bed. For the women that know what the fatigue of the first trimester is like, this is actually worse. I will be 22 weeks tomorrow. Only 12 more weeks to get to the goal of 34 weeks. The true test begins. If you haven't seen me in a while, I look like I am 9 months pregnant. I am carrying a little lower than I did with Lindsay, but I stick out a lot farther. But at our last appointment, everything checked out good. The babies are all about 12 oz right now. By time we get to our next appt on 12/23/08, they should be over a pound each. I may complain about getting bigger, but I guess if my belly is getting bigger, so are the babies. There is also no sign of twin to twin transfusion syndrome present either. That will usually show up by 24 weeks if it is going to develop. I'm almost there and everything is still looking good. I am on half days at work now. I am lucky I guess. So far, I haven't been put on any type of formal bed rest yet. (Knock on wood) From a lot of what I had read about higher order multiple pregnancies, if you weren't on bed rest by 20 weeks, you were fortunate. I'm sure that will be coming in the near future. I am hoping to make it until after Lindsay's first birthday party before that happens. I don't want to have to miss out on that milestone of hers. I will try harder to update more often, but I can't make any promises.

On a different note, if everyone could keep the Cram family in their prayers, it would be much appreciated. They lost their 11 year old daughter, Payton, last Saturday to cancer. She was an amazing little girl who had a wonderful spirit and faith in God. I couldn't imagine the heartache of losing a child.