Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I couldn't wait....

If you know me, I usually can’t wait to find things out. When it came to finding out if IVF had worked or not, I was on pins and needles. I had a feeling that it worked, but I wasn’t for sure. I had been really tired for the past few days. On 4/29/07, I had been out pulling weeds for about an hour. I came in and took a 2 ½ hour nap. That wasn’t like me, unless I was sick. I thought something might be different, but my pregnancy test wasn’t scheduled until 5/3/07. I was going crazy. They tell you not to take a home pregnancy test (HPT) because some of the hormones taken during the IVF cycle could give a false positive on a HPT. I did some looking on the internet to find out what hormones would do this. It turns out that the shot given just before the retrieval is what could cause the false positive. The hormone could stay in your system for about 14 days. On 4/30/07, it had been 19 days since I had given myself the shot. Mike was working late on 4/30/07, so I decided to go to Kroger and get a HPT and give it a whirl. I knew I could be setting myself up for disappointment, but I was going nuts with wondering. I took it when the test when I got home. To my delight, I got 2 lines, which is a positive test. I didn’t know how to react. I was obviously very happy, but I didn’t know how my body would react to a pregnancy. I didn’t want to get too excited. I didn’t know if I wanted to tell Mike either. I didn’t want to get his hopes up if the test was a false positive. I just sat there for a minute to get a grasp on the situation. Mike got home shortly after I took the test. I didn’t say anything at first. Like I said, I didn’t want to get his hopes up if this was a false positive. I knew how badly he wanted to have a family. He was home about 5 minutes, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to tell him. I told him that I would need to call the doctor’s office in the morning to see if the test could be reliable or not. But I showed him the stick. He was thrilled. We hugged for a few minutes. We both wanted to shout from the rooftop with excitement. The long wait could finally be over. I was extremely thrilled, but I didn’t want to get too excited yet until I talked to the doctor’s office in the morning. I called them when I got to work the next day. They said that the test should be pretty accurate. I told my co-workers the news. They were all very happy. We also told our friends the exciting news. The hard part would be keeping it from our parents and family. We were planning on taking them out to Genji for dinner after the official test to tell them if we were pregnant or not. That was the hardest thing to do. I pretty much tell my mom everything. And to have to keep from her that a new grandbaby was on the way, that was HARD. Somehow I did it. Though it wasn’t “official”, I found out a year ago today that we had been blessed with a little angel to take care of. Today she is almost 4 months old. At her last appointment on 4/28/08, she weighed 13 lb. 8 oz and was 24 inches long. Her smile every morning when we get her out of bed makes the wait all worthwhile. So thanks to the help of modern medicine and the blessings of GOD, we found out one year ago today that we were parents =)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lindsay returns home....

On 4/15/07, I went down to Rochester for the embryo transfer. We transferred 2 embryos that day. One took and is now our beautiful little girl. My emotions were all over the board that day. I was full of hope but didn't want to get too excited. I knew God had a plan for me and things would work out how he wanted them too. I just prayed that we would be blessed with a child. We hadn't told our parents yet that we were actually doing the IVF procedure. I had to break plans with my mom a few times because of appointments. I was going to have to break plans again because I had basically be a couch potato for 24 hours after the transfer. We finally broke down and told them what we were doing. Now they were apart of the 2 week wait with us. The first 5 days of Lindsay's life were spent at the IVF office in Rochester. On 4/15/07, she returned home to us and started the long 9 month journey of development. I still can't believe our dream of becoming parents came true. I thank God every day that he has trusted us to take care of his beautiful angel.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello Dad

Good morning dad! I rolled out of my room at daycare to the computer room so I could say hello! Mom said you are in Ohio this week. I tried to stay up until you got to your hotel so I could see you on the computer, but I was just too tired. Mom said you got there ok. I'll take an extra nap today so I am awake and can see you on the computer. I better end this so I can roll back to my room before they miss me =) Have a good day and I will see you tonight! We miss ya dad. Hurry back!

Day one without dad

Today was the first day this week without Mike. It didn't go too badly. She only got up once last night (at 1:30am). She then slept until I woke her up at 6:25am. I was able to fully get ready and pack her stuff for daycare before I woke her up. She ate her breakfast and got dressed and was a perfect angel. I got us both ready and was out the door by 7:05am. It is a lot easier with Mike 's help =) I will confess, I cried yesterday because I missed him already. I hope the rest of the mornings go as smoothly as this one. Only 4 more to go!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Last year at this time....

It was last year on this date that Mike and I were in Rochester at the IVF office for our egg retrieval. Who knew that was to be the start of our beautiful angel. They were able to retrieve 24 eggs that day. Of those 24, 21 were mature enough to go on to the fertilization process. Of those 21 eggs, 19 fertilized. 1 of those fertilized eggs happened to be what is now our little girl. We were blessed enough to have as many eggs retrieved and fertilized from this cycle that we have 11 frozen embryos that we can use for our next attempt. It was exactly one year ago today that our little miracle came together. We can say that we know exactly when Lindsay was conceived. But the funny thing is, Mike and I weren't even in the same city as our soon to be miracle. For the first five days, Linsday called the IVF office in Rochester her home. Today, she has blessed our home and made us a family of 3 =)

Another first for Lindsay

I just wanted to get a quick post out there to share the good news. Lindsay has been getting pretty good at tummy time. She can really hold her head up a while without having to set it down. We were doing tummy time again last night. She has been acting like she wanted to roll over for a few weeks. Last night, she finally did it! She rolled over from her tummy to her back. I don't know if this is an early age for a baby to roll over or not. All I know is I am proud of my little Peanut! Congrats Lindsay!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quick Appology

I haven't written in over a week. I have been really tired lately. It seems that when Lindsay goes to sleep for the night, so do I. I just wanted to send an appology to my wonderful husband, Mike. I know that I have been quite cranky lately. There just don't seem to be enough hours in a day to get sleep, play with Lindsay, clean the house, and just relax. Hopefully you can forgive me. I will try to have a better attitude from now on. Maybe getting back into the gym will help my energy level. In any case, I am sorry for being such a b!tch lately. I love you bunches!