Friday, February 15, 2008

6 weeks of life

Today, Lindsay is 6 weeks old! So young, but she is growing so much. The past 2 days have been rough. Yesterday was my first day back to work. I knew it was going to tough, but it was really hard. Up until then, I hadn't missed anything that had gone on in her life. She has really strong neck muscles and has been picking up her head and turning from side to side when she is laying on my chest. She started cooing this past week, and I was there for it. Now, I had to leave her and go back to work. I missed our song time when I would sing to her, boppy time where we would work on neck control, and kanga time, where she would sleep on my chest. The only thing I could think about yesterday was getting home to her and just holding her and giving her a kiss. Today is hard, but easier than yesterday.

Grandpa Bob is watching her on Thursday's, so at least yesterday I didn't have to leave her at daycare. She seemed to have a good time with Grandpa. She broke him in by peeing while he was trying to change her diaper. I guess that is her was of initiating the new guy. I think they both had fun. I'm sure when the weather gets warmer, they will be out for walks. I'm sure they will probably meet Grandma Cathy for lunch now and again =)

Today was the first day we had to take her to daycare. I wasn't as emotional today as I thought I would be. I think it was because we were a little rushed getting everything ready for her to take. We had to get all her bottles made up, get extra clothes, get a pacifier, diaper cream, sleep sac, burp cloths, etc. Then we had to get ourselves ready on top of that. I think becasue we were so busy, it kept the tears at bay. I am still very sad that I can't be with her, but I know she is in good hands. I will get to be with her again in about 3 hours. Before Lindsay, I would look forward to the end of the day just to be done with work. Now I can't wait for the end of the day because I get to see her. It's wierd how someone so small, who can't really do a whole lot yet, can steal your heart. It's that instant and unconditional love.

Motherhood, the hardest job, but has the greatest benefits package!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Jill - Lindsay is so so so adorable! Thanks for sharing your story with us. Having waited so long for her to be with you will make every milestone she reaches that much sweeter!

And thanks for the "computer bully" support. I needed that. ;)