Sunday, March 1, 2009

My 3 little miracles update

I was released from the hospital Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, later that afternoon, I noticed the starting of a cold sore. Normally, this would just be a bit of an inconvenience. However, having a cold sore now means that I can't visit the triplets. The sore has to be completely gone before I can go see them again. I know that they are in good hands with the nurses, but not being able to see them is really hard. I haven't been able to hold Kerilyn yet. I have still been pumping and Mike is taking the milk up to them 2-3 times per day. He went up last night at about 10pm and saw them. Here is the status as of then. They are all sunbathing right now. They all have a bit of jaundice and are under the photo therapy lights. He said that they will likely be under them until Monday. He took some pictures of them for me. They all look so cute with their little sunglasses on =) He also said that they all had their IV's stopped. Joey and Mady still had theirs in, but that they would be removing them later that night. They also have stopped the additional nutrients of lipids, extra calories, etc. They were at 20cc per feeding and they were going to increase it by 2 cc each feeding until they were up to 32cc. They are doing so well.
Thank you to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers. We have truly been blessed. When I found out we were having triplets, I prepared myself for the worst. I figured they would need to be on ventilators, lots of tubes, etc. They are simply doing awesome for being born at 32 weeks 3 days. GOD has really blessed our little angels.
I just called the nursery to see how the babies are doing. All are still doing good. No real changes. Madison is up to 3lb 11oz now. Joey and Keri stayed the same since their last weighing. I forgot to ask what they were. But they didn't lose any weight, so that is a good sign. I will update more later.


Dawn said...

Oh no Jill!! That is horrible about your darn cold sore. But better safe than sorry. Hopefully it clears up quickly so you can get back to them. I'm sure Lindsay is happy to have you home, how are you feeling otherwise?

Sorry the babies have to have the phototherapy but overall you are right they are doing amazing! You did so awesome getting to 32 weeks! I can't wait to meet them.

courtney said...

Jill, I just want to tell you how excited I am for you and Mike. I am getting goosbumps sitting here reading both of your blogs. You two are such great parents. Hopefully the babies will be coming home soon. Remember even though I know it will be hard I am willing to help with ANYTHING!! Someday I will have children of my own so the practice will be fun :)

sherri and Adam said...

So sorry you have a cold sore and can't go visit them! Like Dawn said, better safe then sorry! You just have to be so careful around them so as not to make them sick! Glad Mike is going to visit a few times a day and keeping you up-dated and taking pics! You are truly amazing!

Joelee said...

Oh, Jill - I am so sorry to hear that you aren't able to go see your babes! I can truly relate to how much you probably just want to see/hold them. It sounds like your husband is a trooper. I relied on Jason a ton the first week to relay information and updates to me. It is amazing how fast you get to know all of the technical terms :) I hope your recovery is going well. Recoop now! Don't you feel good that you can pump? As much as I hate the actual process of it, it makes me feel good to provide nutrition for them! So glad they are all doing so well! Take care!