Sunday, March 15, 2009

I know... I'm slacking

I haven't been too good at updating my blog. This week has been a bit hectic. Lindsay had a bit of a cold last weekend, but we didn't even think twice about it. On Monday night, she began to really have some labored breathing. We watched her for a little bit, and it just wasn't getting any better. We took her to the ER around midnight. She was diagnosed with RSV and they decided to admit her. She also had an ear infection. I had the worst experience of motherhood so far. They had to put in an IV. They thought they got one in her foot, but the fluids would not flow. So they had to take that one out and try to put one in her other foot. The entire time Lindsay was screaming her little head off. Then she was looking at me with tears in her eyes screaming "Ma Ma!!" It broke my heart. I even started to cry. All of this was going on and I had to hold her down. I hope I never have to do that again. When they finally got the IV in, she had used her energy fighting and crying. She fell asleep on me after that. She was admitted at around 7am. We had all of our kids under 1 roof. But with Lindsay having RSV, we would have to take a shower and change clothes before we could see the triplets. It was a long night. But Lindsay was released later the evening. I was very thankful that she didn't have to spend the night in hospital. She came home and slept from 7pm to 7:30am. She is feeling much better now.
She started to feel better and Mike and I came down with bad colds. Due to this, we have been banned from the NICU until we are cough and sneeze free. This is my second ban from seeing my little ones. I know it what is best for them, but it is still hard not being able to even see them. Thankfully, the grandparents have been going up to the hospital to visit the triplets and take up milk to them. Mike and I are starting to feel a little better. I am hoping by Tuesday we will be feeling good enough to go see them.
The triplets are doing good. They are still on one feeding per shift right now. They all have feedings where they don't quite finish all the bottle, but they are getting better. They are wearing cute little onsies now. They are slowly putting clothes on them and turning the temp in the isolettes down. Trying to get them to be able to hold their own temperature. They all continue to keep plugging away and doing well. A coming home date is still unknown at this time. But as long as they continue to make progress, that is all we can expect of them. GO triplets, GO!!!!


sherri and Adam said...

I am so sorry you guys are sick and can't go see them. Having to hold Lindsay down for an IV is such a bad experience! I've cried at numerous Dr. appointments with both my boys due to different things that had to be done, that they just screamed about, and that in turn made me cry! I'm glad she is better. Hopefully you guys can get back up there soon! If you need anything, I am still available til June when I start school!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you and Mike were both feeling bad at about the same time that Lindsay was not feeling well. Glad the triplets are all doing well. Hope everyone is feeling better now.

Love You,