Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lindsay returns home....

On 4/15/07, I went down to Rochester for the embryo transfer. We transferred 2 embryos that day. One took and is now our beautiful little girl. My emotions were all over the board that day. I was full of hope but didn't want to get too excited. I knew God had a plan for me and things would work out how he wanted them too. I just prayed that we would be blessed with a child. We hadn't told our parents yet that we were actually doing the IVF procedure. I had to break plans with my mom a few times because of appointments. I was going to have to break plans again because I had basically be a couch potato for 24 hours after the transfer. We finally broke down and told them what we were doing. Now they were apart of the 2 week wait with us. The first 5 days of Lindsay's life were spent at the IVF office in Rochester. On 4/15/07, she returned home to us and started the long 9 month journey of development. I still can't believe our dream of becoming parents came true. I thank God every day that he has trusted us to take care of his beautiful angel.


sherri and Adam said...

I love reading your posts on what you guys had to go thru. It's amazing what God has planned. He knows your wonderful parents and only puts on your plates what you can handle. He knew you'd be able to handle the long wait of trying to get pregnant.

I have an Aunt and Uncle that tried for 15 yrs to get pregnant (doing everything possible) and they finally adopted. They have a 3 yr old son from South Korea and are awaiting their next child from there, since about 8 months ago, they found out they were excepted for another one!! What a long process!!!

Jill said...

It seems like so long ago that we went through IVF. It seemed to take a long time to complete the process. Now the time with Lindsay is just flying. It was hard to go through so much waiting. But, God knows what he's doing. She was definitely worth the wait!!!

Dawn said...

It's crazy how time travels so slowly when you are wishing to be pg, and then once your little one arrives the time just flies. Before you know it, she'll be celebrating her 1st birthday, then her 5th...and you'll be asking "where did the time go?" Cherish all this precious time. I too enjoy reading all your posts about the IVF process, so amazing.

Jill said...

Until I started writing about the whole process, it didn't sink in how much was really involved and all I had to do. I just knew that this process was what had to be done for a chance to have a child. I'm just glad I live in a time when this technology is available. Glad you guys enjoy reading it.