Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Everyday Life

Life is definitely different since Lindsay arrived. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. She will be 4 weeks old in 2 days. I have no idea where the time had gone. She is getting into somewhat of a routine, which helps with getting things done around the house. I try to follow the rule of getting some sleep when she does, but that just doesn't happen. I have to get ready for the day during one nap, pick upo the house during another, and get dinner ready during another. She is now awake more between naps. It is fun to see her look around and explore her surroundings. I've tried Boppie time in the past few days. She doesn't like it for too long, but that is ok. She is getting really good at picking up her head. Everyone says that she is so little. To me, she is getting so big. She is almost too big for her newborn clothes. I will have to return to work in about 2 weeks. I will cherrish these next 2 weeks at home with Lindsay. I'm sure she will keep changing before my eyes.

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