Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My little mover

This morning started out as any other morning. When Lindsay got up, I changed her diaper and fed her a bottle. I set her on the floor to play while Mike and I continued to get ready. I finished getting her food plates ready for the day and came out of the kitchen to find Lindsay on her hands and knees. I walked over towards her and she actually crawled, in her own little way, to me. I wasn't that far away, but she actually crawled to me! My little girl is growing up so fast. In the past month, she has gotten 4 teeth, is pulling herself up, and now is crawling. She has a ways to go to get it down, but she is laying the foundation. I am soaking up all the time with her I can because I know everything will change when the 3 little ones come. We go for another ultrasound tomorrow. We are hoping that they can determine the genders then. They think that the single baby is a boy, but they coudn't tell with the twins last time. I will update after the appt.

1 comment:

sherri and Adam said...

Too cute that she is learning to crawl! Take it all in, even without 3 in the oven, because they grow up WAY too fast. My oldest will be 12 in a few weeks!

Make sure to post how the ultrasound goes! Will be thinking about you guys. Been wondering how things have been going lately and checking blogs for up-dates! Take care!