Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One, Two, Three.......

Mike and I had our first ultrasound today. We were hoping to see our little one on the big screen and hoping to hear that the heartbeat looks good. We were in for the shock of our life when we heard the doctor say the word... TRIPLETS!!! You read correctly, we are pregnant with triplets! When the doctor first started the scan, I saw 2 sacs right away, but I didn't say anything. When the doctor asked us if this was a spontanious or natural pregnancy. We answered that we did get pregnant on our own. I asked, Why, is it twins? He answered no, it's triplets. There are a set of identical twins from one egg and one baby from another egg. Multiples didn't really cross my mind with this pregnancy. I was more worried before our first ultrasound with Lindsay since we had 2 eggs transferred. You always know that multiples are a possibility but don't really think it would happen to you. We are still in a bit of shock, but are very excited with the news of 3 babies. It will be a challenge, but GOD wouldn't give us more than we can handle. We have a great support system of friends and family, so I know we will be fine. Well, I am going to head of to bed to get some sleep. It's hard work making 3 little ones =) I will keep everyone updated.


Dawn said...

Jill - this is terrible but I almost died laughing when I heard the news! You are going to double the size of your family in one blow!

Congratulations!!! You will be the talk of the town for the next 18 years!

sherri and Adam said...

Congrats...I ditto Dawn's comment about being the talk of the town for the next 18 years! WOW I am shocked...I will most certinaly keep you guys in my prayers that all goes well with the 3 in the oven! CONGRATS!!! HA now you need to buy a bigger house! OUCH! 1 bathroom!?!?